New/Select RTDB...database_menu00009.png

Creates and loads real-time databases (RTDBs) for editing. This and subsequent forms are accessed through the Map I/O menu. Each RTDB belongs to a resource group that individual users may be authorized to access. An RTDB consists of:

   a collection of I/O points which can hold numeric, boolean, or string values

   mappings of these points to hardware registers or message fields

   optional conversion functions that convert between the raw hardware values and the engineering units of the I/O point

new_select_rtdb.pngThis form works much like a file browser.

Filter Databases

Displays in the database table only real-time databases whose name matches the regular expression. See Regular Expressions.

Demonstrate helpvideo00010.png

Opens a short video clip that demonstrates the basic workflow of this form.

Help help00011.png

Opens this section of the manual.

Database Table

List of all the real-time databases on the real-time host.

To load a database for editing, click on the database in the table, then click on the Load button. Or, double click on the database in the table.


Name of a real-time database. It is filled in when a database is selected in the database table. The buttons to the right operate on the database named in this field.


Description of the real-time database. It is filled in when a database is selected in the database table.


Loads the real-time database named in the RTDB Name field. This button is enabled only if the RTDB Name field contains the name of a database that exists on the real-time host.

Save Assave_as.png

Saves the Current RTDB as the name specified in the RTDB Name field. This button is enabled only if the RTDB Name field contains a name that does not currently exist on the real-time host.


Creates a new empty database with the name specified in the RTDB Name field. This button is enabled only if the RTDB Name field contains a name that does not currently exist on the real-time host.


Deletes the real-time database named in the RTDB Name field.  This button is enabled only if the RTDB Name filed contains the name of a database that exists on the real-time host.

Current RTDB

Name and other information about the real-time database that is currently loaded for editing.


Commits all pending edits to the real-time host. See Apply . Load, Create, and Delete are disabled if there are pending edits.


Discards all pending edits.