Module simwbDLClient

Module simwbDLClient

SIMulation Workbench PYToolkit Data Logger Client API

This module provides an interface into the SIMulation Workbench (SimWB)
data logging facility. With it, you can query logged results and
extract logged data.

All procedure documentation is avialable via the standard python techniques, i.e.
pydoc and help().

Sample usage:
    import simwbPath
    import simwbDLClient as dl
    import sys
    import time

    # Connect to the logging host (this may or may not be the realtime host)
    r = dl.dlConnect('wyatt')
    if r != 0: sys.exit(dl.strerror(r))

    # Select a project
    r = dl.dlSetProject('<default>')
    if r != 0: sys.exit(dl.strerror(r))

    # Select a test/session
    r = dl.dlSetSession('ASAMTest/Main')
    if r != 0: sys.exit(dl.strerror(r))

    # Get the test info
    #   NOTE: Times reported by dlQueryTest are seconds/microseconds
    r,info = dl.dlQueryTest()
    if r != 0: sys.exit(dl.strerror(r))
    print 'lastFrame',info[0]
    print 'frameLength',info[1],'us'
    print 'startT %s' % time.asctime(time.localtime(float(info[2])+float(info[3])/1000000.))
    print 'stopT  %s' % time.asctime(time.localtime(float(info[4])+float(info[5])/1000000.))

    # Get the recorded variable info
    r,d = dl.dlGetMetaTable()
    if r < 0: sys.exit(dl.strerror(r))
    print 'recorded %d vars' % r
    k = d.keys()
    for i in k:
        print '%r: %r' % (i,d[i])

    # This is the callback function used by dlGetRecords. It is called for each sample.
    # My routine will bias the time so that it always starts from zero. I'll just
    # print them out.
    t0 = None
    def cb(recNum, tSec, tNSec, cvtVal, altVal, rawVal, dlF, rtF):
        global t0
        # NOTE: times reported by dlGetRecords are seconds/nanoseconds
        t = float(tSec)+float(tNSec)/1000000000.
        if not t0: t0 = t
        print >>sys.stderr, '%.6f %f %f %f' % (t-t0, cvtVal[0], cvtVal[1], cvtVal[2])

    # Get 50 samples of variable 'everything' (a 3x1 array) starting with sample 4518.
    #   NOTE: To get all available data use dl.dlGetRecords('everything', 0, dl.dlAllSamples, cb)
    r = dl.dlGetRecords('everything', 4518, 50, cb)
    if r != 0: sys.exit(dl.strerror(r))

There is a companion module, simwbConstants, that is used to define internal
SimWB constant values.  This module is automatically imported by simwbDLClient,
and is unlikely to be explicitely useful to the user.

There is one global boolean variable in the module:
    dlIsConnected   True if connect, False if not.
Other global variables should not be modified, and are intended as constants to be
used with dlGetRecords(). Their values may change in future releases.

Copyright (c) Concurrent Real-Time

Data Logger client data record time class.
Connect to the data logger file server running on the host system given by 'hostName', the name or IP address of the data log server.
Disconnect from the log server.
dlGetMetaTable(project=None, session=None)
When project or session are unspecified, whatever had been previously set via dlSetProject() and dlSetSession() are used.
dlGetRecords(what, startFrame, nSamples, callback, project=None, session=None, options=None, **ckwargs)
When project or session are unspecified, whatever had been previously set via dlSetProject() and dlSetSession() are used.
dlQueryTest(project=None, session=None)
When project or session are unspecified, whatever had been previously set via dlSetProject() and dlSetSession() are used.
Select the project from whose tests data my be extracted.
Select the Test/Session from which data my be extracted.
  PYTHON2 is True when running Python 2.x
  PYTHON3 is True when running Python 3.x
  PYTHON_VERSION is an integer 3-tuple of the running Python version
  __package__ = None
  dlAllSamples = 0
  dlCvtOnly = 1
  dlIsConnected = False
Function Details



Connect to the data logger file server running on the host system
given by 'hostName', the name or IP address of the data log server.
This may or may not be the same as the SimWB realtime host.

Returns an integer success status.

When already connected this funtion simply returns 0.

The return code has the following meaning:
    0 : success.
    != 0 : error (see simwbDLClient.strerror(code)).



Disconnect from the log server.

This routine always succeeds.

dlGetMetaTable(project=None, session=None)


When project or session are unspecified, whatever had been
previously set via dlSetProject() and dlSetSession() are used.

Returns a tuple of (reply,metaData) for the session as set by
the dlSetSession() call. The metaData is a dictionary of 
variable names, with values being a dictionary keyed as:
    'index'        int
    'pointType'    int
    'numElements'  int
    'dimensions'   3-tuple of int

The reply code has the following meaning:
    >= 0 : success (equal to number of variables).
    < 0 : error (see simwbDLClient.strerror(code)).

dlGetRecords(what, startFrame, nSamples, callback, project=None, session=None, options=None, **ckwargs)


When project or session are unspecified, whatever had been previously
set via dlSetProject() and dlSetSession() are used. If either of these
routines have not been called, then the corresponding keyword argument
must be specified, or the routine will return an error.

Fetch nSamples of the log data for 'what', starting with startFrame.
When 'what' is a string it is assumed to be the variable name. Otherwise
it should be an int representing the index of the variable (which you
can get from the meta info).

If nSamples is dlAllSamples then get all available data after the start frame.

The callback is a user-supplied subroutine that will be invoked with
the data corresponding to each data record requested. It should be
declared as:

    callback(recNum, tSec, tUSec, cvtVal, altVal, rawVal, dlF, rtF, **ckwargs)

with arguments:
    recNum   int   record number [startFrame, startFrame+nSampels-1]
    tSec     int   \_ sample time (C timespec: seconds and nanoseconds
    tNSec    int   /  since the EPOCH, 1/1/1970 00:00:00 UTC)
    cvtVal   list  RTDB CVT value(s) (double)
    altVal   list  RTDB alternate value(s) (double)
    rawVal   list  RTDB raw value(s) (double)
    dlF      int   data logger flag (char(dlF) = '*', 'p' or ' ')
    rtF      int   realtime flags
    ckwargs  dict  optional keyword arguments to be passed to callback

The 'options' available at this time are:
        This modifies the callback declaration as follows:
            callback(tSec, tNSec, cvtVal, **ckwargs)
        with arguments defined as above.

    If you request more records then have been recorded past the start
    record you will only get the available data - no error is reported.
    It is up to the user to keep track of how many samples have been
    passed to the callback.

    cvtVal, altVal and rawVal are ALWAYS passed to the callback as a
    list, even if they are scalar values.

    It is more efficient to have previously set a project and session.
    This method needs information from those calls and will fetch it
    if it can, thus increasing the time overhead for the first call to
    this routine. Subsequent calls will then be faster if the project
    and session do not change.

    For backwards compatibility when nSamples <= 0 then all available
    data is returned. This behavior may change in the future.

Returns an int with the following meaning:
    0 : success (equal to number of variables).
    != 0 : error (see simwbDLClient.strerror(code)).

dlQueryTest(project=None, session=None)


When project or session are unspecified, whatever had been
previously set via dlSetProject() and dlSetSession() are used.

Returns a tuple of (reply,info) for the session as set by
the dlSetSession() call. The info is a 6-tuple:
    [0]  lastFrame         int
    [1]  frameLength       int     microseconds
    [2]  startTimeSec      int
    [3]  startTimeUSec     int
    [4]  stopTimeSec       int
    [5]  stopTimeUSec      int

The reply code has the following meaning:
    0 : success.
    < 0 : error (see simwbDLClient.strerror(code)).



Select the project from whose tests data my be extracted.

* NOTE subprojects are delimited with a '/' character. E.g. to slect
       the pre-installed Hardware-Tests AO16 project use the name

Return: The reply code from the log server.
The return code has the following meaning:
    0 : success.
    < 0 : error (see simwbDLClient.strerror(code)).



Select the Test/Session from which data my be extracted.

Return: The reply code from the log server.
The return code has the following meaning:
    0 : success.
    < 0 : error (see simwbDLClient.strerror(code)).